
Showing posts from January, 2024

Empowering Lives: The Vital Role of Motivation and Support

“In the journey of life, motivation is the compass, and support is the wind beneath your wings.” This is the phrase where motivation and support come together to make a better person. People usually say motivation and support is the key to success, but for sure it is. Like the sun that fuels the growth of a vibrant garden, motivation provides the essential energy for individuals to strive, dream, and overcome challenges. Yet, it is the sturdy scaffolding of support offered by friends, family, mentors, and communities that fortifies these aspirations and enables them to reach new heights. Without motivation, some people will come to class with a tired face and zero in mind. Meanwhile without support, some people cannot achieve what they are dreaming for. This is from my perspective, where everything that we achieve, and get come from what we do and what people around us do. If we are trying our best and people around us keep supporting our dream, we will achieve success with flying col